
"Do this in remembrance of me"

Good Friday
18th April at 10 am
Reflection on the cross.

Easter Sunday
20th April at
All Age Celebration.

Maundy Thursday Fellowship Meal

imageFELLOWSHIP MEAL followed by the LORD'S SUPPER

Thursday 17th April, 7.15pm in the church

The main course will be either meat or vegetarian lasagne. Please book your meal(s) using the button below. There will be opportunity to contribute towards the cost of your meal on the evening.

When booking, please indicate any dietary requirements.


HOPE Explored


What's the best future you could imagine?  

Hope Explored is a three-session series about the person and work of Jesus and the hope that can be found in him.

It allows those who do not consider themselves followers of Jesus to explore the message of the Christian faith. Each session explores an aspect of Jesus’ work: his life, death, and resurrection.

Each session also explores one of the great longings we have: for hope, peace, and purpose.

Through teaching from Rico Tice and studies from Luke’s Gospel, Hope Explored shows how the events of Jesus’ time on earth in the past can change our future and transform our present.

                 Watch a trailer here

                 Contact  if you wish to join the next Hope Explored course.

Contact us on 01892 327734 or email
St Peter's Church, Bayhall Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 4UX
Charity number: 1131548

Email us