Growth Groups for Adults
Evening GROWTH Groups
Growth Groups are small gatherings held in the homes of church members.
There are currently 3 groups which meet once a fortnight on weekday evenings.
These gatherings enable us to build strong friendships and share our lives together. We catch up over tea and coffee, learn together from the Bible and support one another in prayer.
If you’re not yet a member of a group, do consider joining one, and if there are any men who would like to meet during the daytime, please contact .
Meeting in small groups is so important for mutual encouragement, loving support, prayer and growth in Christ - we need one another!
Daytime Growth Groups
THURSDAY Growth Group
This Growth Group runs from 1.30-2.45pm, fortnightly, in the church hall. Contact Phil Peddar for more information.
Women and the Word. This weekly group meets on a Wednesday morning, 10-11.30am, during term time, in the church hall. Contact the church office for more information.