Biblical Counselling

Christ- centred change, enabled by the Spirit, through the ministry of the Word, in the local Church.

The Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF) was founded in 1968 and stands in a long tradition of pastoral care that dates back to the 1st century church and the New Testament. For the past four decades, CCEF has been growing and contributing to the biblical counseling movement as that movement has grown in both influence and maturity.
Helpful resources

Growing Young disciples is a charitable organisation devoted to promoting and supporting biblical children's and youth ministry.

Since 1932 Oak Hill has been training people for gospel ministry. It provides opportunities for men and women from different traditions from across the country and the world to train for Christ centred ministry.

Guarding and proclaiming the unchanging truth in a changing world.

An information resource for orthodox Anglicans

To teach about the Christian faith in schools. For pupils to develop spiritually through understanding, engaging with and responding to the Christian faith.

Holidays for 8-18s full of great activities, friendship and fun with the opportunity to explore life with Jesus...

A Partnership of Bible-centred churches in Sussex working together to train leaders, strengthen and plant churches, and advance the gospel.

Speak Life have produced many hundreds of video resources and been involved training thousands of Christians in personal evangelism. They also train through videos and podcasts. Glen & Paul speak hundreds of times each year in churches, student unions, and schools, and write books.
In the area

St Peter’s Church of England Primary School aims to be a centre of excellence which:
Enables and inspires children to flourish
Provides an inclusive, stimulating and safe educational setting that nurtures the God-given potential of every child
Is a vibrant hub for the local community with strong links to the church
Lessons take place during the week as well as on a Saturday at St Peter’s Church Halls.
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Other helpful sites
Faith in later life

We are on a mission to inspire and equip Christians to, and older people in every community, through the local church; and to encourage older people in their faith.

A website written by a retired GP. "I retired early with early onset Alzheimer's Disease. Since then it has become my passion to try and help people understand about it, because I do believe it is a great opportunity, a God-given unexpected gift in order to understand this hurt section of society".
A website to help people, churches and society talk about faith and sexuality.